Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road, London
Infection Sciences, Virology,
5th Floor, North Wing, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7 EH
DX address: DX 6570301
Tel: 020 718 81167
Fax: 020 718 83146
Clinical advice: 020 7188 3140 or 020 7188 3144
We offer a comprehensive range of virology services including; screening, diagnosis and monitoring of infections, treatment of community, imported and health care associated infections and infections in the immunocompromised host together with infection control and monitoring of drug resistance. More than 460,000 routine and specialist tests are conducted per annum with high quality clinical and scientific support.
Our normal working hours Monday to Friday are 8.00am-8.00pm and week-ends and bank holidays 9.00am-5.00pm.Outside these hours the duty consultant virologist and on call biomedical scientist can be contacted via the switchboard on 020 718 87188.
Dr Gaia Nebbia
Consultant Virologist
Dr Sam Douthwaite
Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Virology
Dr Emma Aarons
Consultant in Virology and Infectious Diseases
Dr Iain Milligan
Consultant in Virology and Infectious Diseases
Dr Penny Cliff
Clinical Scientist
Ms Emma Cunningham
Clinical Scientist
Fearghal Tucker
Service Delivery Manager
Ms Jane Mullen
Operations Manager
Ms Karen Ashworth
Senior Biomedical Scientist
Mrs Tracey Goodchild
Senior Biomedical Scientist
Ms Catherine Lewis
Senior Biomedical Scientist
Mr John Ramble
Senior Biomedical Scientist
Ms Jasveen Sehmi
Senior Biomedical Scientist
Ms Andrea Wilson
Senior Biomedical Scientist