South Yorkshire: Sheffield Virology Services Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Sheffield Virology Services (SVS)
Lab Med Building
Microbiology, Northern General Hospital
Herries Road, Sheffield
S5 7AU
DX number – DX6260100 – Sheffield 90S
Results enquiries: 0114 2714777
Medical Secretary: 0114 2714524
Clinical Advice: 0114 2434343 Bleep 2537 Or through medical sec
Internal: Bleep 2537 NGH / Ext 15870
CVN contact: Dr M Raza 0114 2714524
Laboratory Sections: Serology, Automated serology, Molecular, Chlamydias and Virus Isolation
Geographical Areas covered: The laboratory offers comprehensive diagnostic services across the trust which includes Northern General Hospital, Royal Hallamshire Hospital and Western Park Hospital. We also provide complete
virology services to the Sheffield Childrens’ Hospital. In addition, the lab acts as a reference centre for the local district general hospitals in Barnsley, Chesterfield, Rotherham and Doncaster. Medical virology cover is provided for Doncaster and Bassettlaw Hospitals. We are the regional stockholders for VZIG & HBIG.
Assays performed Inhouse:
Serology: HIV 1&2 antibodies (Cenatur, Adaltis, Duo VIDAS Ultra), HAV IgM/Total Ab (Centaur), Complete HBV serology (HBsAg (Centaur & Diasorin), HBcTotal Ab, HBcIgM Ab, HBeAg, HBeAb, HBsAb), HCV Ab (Cenatur, BioRad, RIBA), VZV IgM, IgG (VIDAS & EIA), MMR IgMs & IgGs, CMV Total Ab, IgM, IgG, Avidity, EBV IgM, VCA IgG, EBNA IgG, HSV 1&2 IgG,HTLV 1&2 Ab, CFTs, Parvo IgM, IgG, Legionella Ab, Syphilis (TPPA, VDRL, IgM), Toxoplasma Latex, Toxoplasma IgM, IgG,
Mycoplasma GPAT, ASO titres, AntiDNAse Ab, Helicobacter IgG.
Molecular: CMV PCR (Roche Lightcycler), HSV PCR (Artus, ABI), VZV PCR (Artus, ABI), EBV PCR (Artus, ABI), Enterovirus PCR (Artus, Lightcycler), HBV PCR, HCV PCR (Roche Amplicor), HIV PCR (Roche Amplicor), Respiratory PCRs (Flu A/B, RSV A/B, Rhinovirus, HMPV A/B, PF 1-4, Coronavirus, Adenovirus), HCV genotyping, VIPER/SDA /RealTime PCR for Chlamydia, VIPER/SDA for Gonococcus.
Environmental: Norovirus EIA, Rotavirus EIA (card test), Adenovirus EIA
Out of hours’ service: An out of hours service is provided for needlestick injuries/body fluid exposures (source patient testing). This includes HIV antibodies, HBsAg and HCV antibodies. To arrange this testing please contact the On-call Microbiology BMS through Northern General Hospital Switchboard (0114 2434343) and ensure at least 5ml of blood is urgently sent to the NGH Haematology reception. Transplant donor and Antenatal
testings are offered by the National Blood Services.
Dr Mohammad Raza
Consultant Virologist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer University of Sheffield
Dr Alison Cope
Consultant Virologist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer University of Sheffield
Leeanne Tovey
Lead Laboratory Manager (Microbiology & Virology)
Dr Mike Ankcorn
Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Virology
Dr Cariad Evans
Consultant Virologist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer University of Sheffield
Dr Anuparma Mutagi
Consultant Virologist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer University of Sheffield