2016 Gilead UK and Ireland Fellowship Programme

Following the success of the Gilead UK and Ireland Fellowship Programme (GUKIFP) from 2009 to 2015, Gilead are pleased to provide details for the Fellowship Programme for 2016.
The aim of the Gilead UK and Ireland Fellowship Programme is to award financial grants (or support and contribution to joint working initiatives between the NHS and Gilead or the NHS, Gilead and the third sector) to generate and promote best practice in the delivery of patient-centred care through innovative and reproducible models in the disease areas – HIV, viral hepatitis (HCV), invasive fungal disease (IFD), cystic fibrosis (CF) and oncology.
For 2016 the Gilead UK & Ireland Fellowship Programme is running two application windows throughout the year to provide additional opportunities to apply for a grant.
Evidence generated from Fellowship projects provides the opportunity to shape public health policy and practice (either at a local or national level) in the UK and Ireland, or to generate new studies or joint ventures to shape clinical care pathways. As an example, HIV data generated over the last 6 years have been successfully published in peer-reviewed journals and used to support the Halve It campaign, a coalition of national experts to tackle the public health challenges posed by HIV (www.halveit.org.uk).
Financial grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to individual organisations or groups of local healthcare providers such as, but not limited to, hospital clinics and patient organisations.
Therapy area criteria grant giving for GUKIFP 2016:
Topic 1 – Targeted testing
Background: in the HIV aspirational 90% diagnosed, 90% on treatment and 90% undetectable the shortfall remains in those diagnosed. Testing in GUM services and acute hospital settings has increased.
The Fellowship is looking for innovative projects with expectation of reaching and HIV testing at least 250 individuals from higher risk populations in non-GUM/ non-hospital settings. For example, these could include outreach, remote, or other novel testing strategies.
Each application should outline clear plans for linkage to care.
Topic 2 – Service deployment to improve the long-term health of people living with HIV (PLWH)
The Fellowship programme is looking for projects which focus on the development of innovative service models that assess the longer term needs of PLWH.
Viral hepatitis
1. Local Operational Delivery Networks (ODN) integrated initiatives to evaluate acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of community based HCV specialist treatment service models according to NHS service specification no F04 S f.
2. Local innovative initiatives to evaluate acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of integration of HCV testing into routine healthcare delivery demonstrating successful referral to care.
Grant applications outside of the topics above will still be considered, however they must meet the ethos of the Gilead UK & Ireland Fellowship e.g. be innovative and enable sharing of best practice.
How to apply
All grant or support requests will be assessed against clear criteria and, as in 2015, we expect this will be a highly competitive process. Please visit the Fellowship Programme website for therapy area specific application opening and closing dates. Each project’s funding will be awarded in instalments which are contingent on demonstration of satisfactory progress and successful completion by spring 2017 at the latest.
For 2016, the Gilead UK & Ireland Fellowship Programme is running two application windows throughout the year to provide additional opportunities to apply for a grant. Information relating to the second application window will be provided following the closure of the first application window.
For more information on the Gilead UK and Ireland Fellowship Programme, details of how to apply and the assessment criteria, please visit the Gilead UK and Ireland Fellowship Programme website www.ukifellowshipprogramme.com or contact us at [email protected]