Automation and standardisation of a quantitative multiplex PCR assay using PCR.Ai

Automation and standardisation of a quantitative multiplex PCR assay using PCR.Ai

A.R. MacLean, R. Gunson

Journal of Virological Methods 329 (2024) 114981


We previously undertook a prospective clinical study to evaluate PCR.Ai’s ( accuracy and impact when automating the manual data-analysis and quality control steps associated with routine clinical pathogen testing using a non-quantitative multiplex quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). In this study we demonstrated 100 % concurrence between our manual routine analysis method and PCR.Ai. This paper expands the evaluation of PCR.Ai’s ( accuracy and impact using a multiplex quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR).


We evaluated the impact of PCR.Ai when used as the final interpretation/verification step for routine in-house multiplex quantitative qPCR tests for CMV, EBV and adenovirus from blood samples for a total of 1350 interpretations.

Study Design

We compared PCR.Ai to our existing manual interpretation, to determine accuracy and hands on time savings.

Results and Conclusions

There was 100 % concurrence between validated CMV, EBV and adenovirus detection and quantitation by our manual routine analysis method and PCR.Ai. Furthermore, there were significant routine savings with PCR.Ai of 63 minutes/ run. Our conclusion is that for quantitative tests PCR.Ai is a highly accurate time-saving tool that reduces complexity of qPCR analysis and hence the need for specialists and hands-on time. It demonstrated capabilities to enable us to get results out more quickly with lower costs and less risk of errors.