UK Clinical Virology Network Election results

UK Clinical Virology Network Election results

After the recent election the CVN Executive is now as follows:

Chair: Mark Zuckerman
Email: [email protected]

Vice-Chair / Chair-elect: Matthew Donati
Email: [email protected]

Honorary Secretary: Husam Osman
Email: [email protected]

Honorary Treasurer: Kevin Brown
Email: [email protected]

Meetings Secretary: Stephen Winchester
Email: [email protected]

Audit & Guidelines Secretary: Alison Watt
Email: [email protected]

Biomedical Scientists Representative: Jayne Harwood
Email: [email protected]

Website & Communications Secretary: Eleri Wilson-Davies
Email: [email protected]

Academic Representative: Will Irving
Email: [email protected]

Clinical Scientists Representative: Jonathan Hubb
Email: [email protected]

CVN administrative assistant: Maggie Hopper
Email: [email protected]